Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Google my Business for your Small Business

My question for all small business owners is are you on google yet! If your not you are not alone. But it is very important that you verify your business and get on google. To my surprise I have run into this quite a bit in Las Vegas NM many small businesses are not found on google. I know in todays world with everything made so available to us at the palm of our hands through smartphones we need to be able to be found on google. Everybody on the daily uses google to search something and why not allow that something to be your business. Many businesses skip over using google my business because they have a business that tends to have regulars is what I'm told. But if your interested in growing your business you have to use google my business to help the new consumers find you. The awesome thing about google my business is that it is free to use. Google doesn’t accept any type of payment to have your business included in natural search results or for particular listings.  However, you should keep in mind that Google does offer a locally targeted AdWords program for paid advertising.  But here is an awesome video to get your business on google with google my business.
P.S Adwords  article coming soon

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