Tuesday, September 27, 2016

5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Improve Customer Retention

5 Ways Small-Business Owners Can Improve Customer Retention

Your small business relies heavily on repeat customers. You need to make sure customers are getting what they need in order to better retain them. Here's 5 ways to maximize customer retention.

Employee Support
All employees should be well trained and able to talk to any customer that walks in. They should be highly knowledgeable and upbeat to leave customers with a positive experience.

Question Your Customers
Survey customers on what they need and want to acquire data for your business. Offer a promotion as an incentive to complete the survey. Knowing their needs helps establish better customer service.

Offer Promotions
As your products, services grow in demand, you'll notice which customers shop on a regular basis. These "regulars" are good word of mouth for your business. Offer promotions on their most purchased items to cement the relationship.

Loyalty Programs
Treat regulars a little different than your occasional customers. Build relationships and their confidence through loyalty programs. They will likely share their high status with friends and family, further increasing interest in the program.

Utilize Social Media
Use social media to connect with customers who give reviews on their experience. If its negative , send an apology and try to come to a solution. Give them a phone number to discuss the matter further. If its a positive review, then send them a thanks and offer a perk for the good word. Word of mouth on social media is just as crucial as ordinary word of mouth.

These 5 steps help build brand image, customer experience, and will ultimately grow your business.


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